Internet marketing, what is it and what types exist?

Franco Brutti
Internet marketing or digital marketing is our daily bread.
And let alone the types of Internet marketing: there's something for everyone.
So, to complete your digital marketing knowledge even more, we have compiled the most relevant information on Internet marketing.
After all, thanks to digitalization, you can reach everyone in the world without leaving your workplace.
What is Internet marketing and what types are there? Read on!
The 5 most popular types of Internet marketing at the moment
Let's see the types of digital marketing that can be the ideal alternative to create your business strategies from scratch.
That said, you should evaluate your case well in order to make the decision of which channels and strategies are best for you.
Because in the end, a mistake that many brands make is that they decide to try everything and in all media, which makes the efforts greater and the budget is reduced little by little.
1. Social media marketing
Social networks are an independent universe of possibilities, millions of dollars are moved worldwide solely and exclusively thanks to social networks.
So it will be your mission as a passionate online marketer to learn about social media marketing strategies. The goal of this type of Internet marketing is that you can create community around your brand or business.
And then you can get other benefits such as engagement, lead capture, a higher percentage of conversions...
There are thousands of brands from which you can learn and replicate strategies for social media, adapted to your reality by the way, but always analyzing the actions behind their success.
Here we can mention brands such as Fanta, NASA, Disney, Red Bull...
2. Video marketing
Video already had its indispensable role in offline marketing, now, it's one of the most used resources by big brands to launch successful advertising campaigns.
In our blog we’ve mentioned success stories such as Ikea, Coca Cola, Nike or Netflix. All these large corporations rely on video marketing to promote their products or services.
It's the only format that can capture expressions and reach the audience's senses through image and sound.
It's a great support for Internet marketing and above all it has the ability to reach a greater number of people.
3. Email marketing
Email was born almost at the same time as the www, and it's one of the most used channels in Internet marketing to make thousands of businesses profitable.
It has taken much relevance especially in recent years thanks to the hundreds of thousands of digital ventures that exist on the network. It has even more popularity thanks to the pandemic.
A well-written email sent to the right audience has all the potential to generate sales.
And it's also the ideal way to know in depth the desires and pain points of your potential customers or perhaps get testimony of their experience as a consumer of your products or services.
Newsletters have always had the necessary charm to keep audiences engaged, so don't miss this opportunity to create a good content strategy for your business based on email marketing.
4. Content marketing
With content marketing you have a range of creative strategies that are very effective and ensure organic growth in search engines.
The most interesting thing about content marketing is that it gives your brand the possibility to become an industry expert, which would be great if you want to generate sales through your blog, for example.
What is it about content marketing that works? The priority of brands today is to put the user at the center of any online marketing strategy and they've left behind the need to impulsively sell your products or services.
5. SEM
Unlike SEO where you base all efforts to position your website without the need to pay search engines; with SEM you get the opportunity to position yourself by showing users what they really want to find.
Of course, they are paid Internet marketing strategies, because it's about creating ad campaigns where you compete in the auction system with other brands and companies.
With Search Engine Marketing you can appear on all platforms managed by Google, including Youtube.
With SEM, thousands of businesses advance positioning results thanks to the fact that consumers are more aware of what they want to buy.
Based on the Avinash model, many buyers obtained through SEM are at the THINK or DO stage.

Which online marketing strategy should you choose?
As we always tell you: everything will depend on the objectives you have as a brand.
So all the efforts you make on the network will have a direct impact on the digital marketing strategies you execute at the moment.
Perhaps you already have a community built in your social networks and you should then prioritize creating content for your company or business blog.
So our recommendation is that you make a deep analysis of the wants and needs of your audience, do they want to consume the content you share in podcast format? Do they prefer to download infographics and save them on their computer? Do they want to see you on Instagram TV?The final decision is yours to make on a case-by-case basis. Tell us, what type of internet marketing fits your strategy best.
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