What is the Solidity programming language used for?

Franco Brutti
Programming languages are what make it possible for all the programs we use today to work well and be created.
As you can imagine, there is a great variety of programming languages, since each one is used for a specific style of program, application or platform. In super simple words: each language has its own characteristics of use.
In a world as technologically advanced as the one we live in today, it’s no surprise that there are so many programming languages, as we ourselves are witnesses to the number of digital tools and programs that we can access.
However, there is one that is undoubtedly attracting the attention of many people due to a particularity: it’s used to create smart contracts.
That’s Solidity, it works through the Ethereum network and its use has caused a stir.
Yes, we know, you are probably wondering what a programming language has to do with cryptocurrencies and what is a smart contract.
So let's go step by step, and explain everything you need to know so you can better understand what this is all about.
What is a Smart contract?
When thinking about the future a few years ago, we used to dream of many more possibilities, such as flying cars or teleportation already being a reality.
However, technological advances have not yet reached this point, but there are some tools that are quite futuristic.
Many business owners have surely dreamed of the possibility of creating contracts that allow payments and invoices to be made automatically, especially when you are in charge of a large number of employees.
For this reason, smart contracts are one of the most futuristic technological options available today.
This type of contract is made by means of a program that is stored on a blockchain. Thanks to this, it’s located outside a server, works neutrally, and doesn’t require intermediaries.
One of the uses for it is the making of payments. For this, the people involved and the terms of payment are established. Once the worker has completed the task, he or she can receive the stipulated payment automatically.
This allows the working conditions and responsibilities to be well defined in advance. It also makes it possible for payments to be received as soon as the tasks are completed.
What other uses are there for smart contracts?
As these types of contracts are based on the blockchain of the cryptocurrency world, many people are often wary of their use.
However, the truth is that thanks to that specific point, smart contracts are much more secure and, therefore, should be more reliable.
It should also be noted that, depending on how they are developed, they are programs that also have the ability to issue invoices and receipts while releasing funds for payments.
Therefore, the use of this type of tool provides a number of benefits and unparalleled utility.
To give you a more complete idea of all its functionalities, you should know that it can be used for the following purposes:
Transform financial management to eradicate the manipulation of accounting records.
Automate the processes of buying and selling materials for the creation of products.
Make online shopping easier.
What is Solidity?
Having a better sense of what smart contracts are, it's time to move on to talking properly about Solidity.
As a quick explanation, it can be said that it’s a programming language that is specifically used for the creation of smart contracts, but we’re going to go deeper into the subject.
Regarding its internal structuring, it’s a language that drinks a lot from C and JavaScript, so its use will not be so complicated for programmers who have used any of the above.
Now, as far as its relationship with Ethereum is concerned, it all has to do with who founded it and why.
It was created in 2014 by collaborators who were working on the project of that cryptocurrency and so it’s intended to be run on EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machines).
As you can imagine, this is the reason why the language runs on the Ethereum blockchain.
In addition to this, other reasons why Solidity has been used by many people is the fact that it can be programmed on your computer, it’s free and its use isn’t that complicated.
You will probably have to learn some technicalities, especially if you’ve never programmed before, but if you’re already a programmer, it will be a piece of cake to create smart contracts using Solidity.
Can Solidity only be used in Ethereum?
Considering that Ethereum has a blockchain similar to other cryptocurrencies, the truth is that it can also be used in other networks.
This is undoubtedly a positive point to take into consideration, as it significantly increases the possibilities of using this type of language.
In addition, it’s all a matter of adjusting the program so that the transaction is carried out in the appropriate value according to the cryptocurrency you are working with.
So, is Solidity only used for smart contracts?
Well yes, indeed, it’s one of those programming languages that focus on creating only one specific type of program.
Although it’s true that nowadays we’re used to the fact that languages of this style can be used to structure any type of tool, there are some that only fulfill one specific task.
In the case of a language such as Solidity, its central use is the creation of smart contracts.
Now, in order to think about its variations of use, we must ask ourselves: What can be done with smart contracts?
Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is everything that has to do with working relations, and buying and selling processes, among others.
However, smart contracts can be structured in such a way that they can be used for other types of tools.
Here are some examples:
Decentralized credit programs.
Platforms that work with the exchange of decentralized cryptocurrencies.
Systems that allow tracking supply chains.
Decentralized voting programs (both for government projects and for business decision-making).
Systems that work with identity management.
Main differences between Solidity and JavaScript
If you still have doubts about working with Solidity, you need to know a little more about its inner workings.
As we mentioned in its definition, this is a programming language that is very similar to JavaScript. Therefore, if you know how to work with it, it will be easy for you to use Solidity.
However, it’s likely that if you are a programmer you are not interested in knowing the common points between both languages, but their differences, because these will allow you to have a better understanding of their internal structure.
So, for you to leave here with all the required knowledge about Solidity, we will also talk briefly about the differences between both programming languages:
1. Typing
Undoubtedly, typing is one of the main differences between the two and it’s something you will notice when you start working with it.
This is because Solidity works with static typing, this means that the data of the variables must be declared explicitly from the beginning.
On the other hand, one of the main features of JavaScript is that it has dynamic typing that is determined according to the execution time of the programs.
2. Its purpose
Another aspect that noticeably divides Solidity from JavaScript is the main purpose or goal of both.
As you know, in the case of Solidity, its intention is to enable the creation of smart contracts. Meanwhile, JavaScript is mostly used for the development of mobile applications and web programs.
3. The syntax
Continuing with the list of differences, we cannot overlook the syntax of both.
In the case of JavaScript, it’s recognized because it works with a syntax that turns out to be quite flexible, and thanks to this, it can usually be learned more quickly.
However, on this point, Solidity tends to be more similar to Java or C++, since it has a slightly more rigid syntax.
4. Network functionality
To continue, we also encounter the feature of network functionality.
On the one hand, Solidity is integrated into the Ethereum network and because of this, it’s possible for it to interact with the transactions within the blockchains. This is why it works directly with the generation of smart contracts.
On the other hand, we find that JavaScript was not intended to have interaction with blockchains.
However, it’s true that it is possible for it to have it as long as third-party libraries are used for achieving it.
5. The environment in which it’s executed
Last but not least, we must talk about its execution environment, as this is perhaps the point where the two differ the most.
While JavaScript can be used on certain servers or web browsers, to make use of Solidity it is necessary to work with the Ethereum virtual machine, otherwise, you will not be able to use this programming language.
So it’s certainly a point where quite strict differences are established.
What is the importance of Solidity today?
Although Solidity has been around for years, it’s true that it’s still not as well known as other programming languages that exist today.
Many attribute this to the limitations of its use, but this doesn’t diminish the importance of Solidity as a working tool.
The truth is that this language has certainly come to stay, and although it will take time for everyone to be aware of its functions, there’s no doubt that it’s very useful for programs that can be of great help.
As more and more jobs are monitored over the Internet or with digital programs, the more likely it is that big companies will integrate smart contracts into their internal work.
Therefore, Solidity is presented as a fresh and updated language that positively influences the automation of processes, something that all companies today are looking for.
Also, if there’s something to highlight about this program is that thanks to the fact that it is based on a decentralized cryptocurrency, it attracts the attention of developers who want to create programs that are also decentralized.
Nowadays working with decentralized programs offers a higher level of security to users and this is a positive point that has been increasing.
So whenever you’re looking to create programs that are secure and have a high level of automation, developers are likely to look to Solidity.
There’s no doubt that Solidity is a very particular programming language, but we must admit that its use is very interesting and gives us the certainty that thanks to its possibilities of use we can continue to make interesting digital advances.
And you, did you already know about Solidity, have you ever used it, are you interested in using it in the near future? We are interested in hearing your opinion, so remember you can leave it in the comments section.
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